Slow Interiors

Can the same ethics and ideas apply to interior design as they do to ‘slow fashion’? We think so. We’re calling the end of fast interiors, and the rise of slow interiors.
There’s no doubt that we’ve been seeing an increased emphasis on ethically sourced food and the end of ‘fast fashion’. With this overall awareness of how we’re impacting the planet, it’s a no-brainer that it’s time to ramp up efforts when it comes to interiors. It’s not news that fashion and interiors are closely related. The looks we spot on the catwalks don’t take long to venture into high street interiors stores.
At minimal cost, and with a tendency to be disposed of within a few months, quick-fix items are not exactly a nod to sustainable living. While we’re not saying we should steer clear of that must-have hue or material – we’ll always love switching and updating our spaces – there’s no harm in making sure our purchases are well-considered. If you’re one for keeping up with trends, then that cushion you bought three years ago should still be in good nick. Bring it out when a suitable trend rolls around.
As for big ticket buys, a certain amount of thought is needed. Style and comfort will always play their parts. Throwing the slow interiors movement in the mix? Then, the materials used, where the piece is travelling from and longevity play their parts, as well.
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